Librarians are Gold!

Let the Learning Begin…..

INF506 – Module 3: Building Academic Library 2.0

on March 31, 2013

View this YouTube video called ‘Building Academic Library 2.0’. Consider advice provided by one or more of the speakers in terms of a library and information agency that you know (as an employee or user). Select five (5) key pieces of advice from these speakers, and consider how these may be applied to your library to help it embrace a Library 2.0 ethos. Write up your findings as a post (of no more than 350 words in your OLJ).

In my current position as a primary school teacher, I work in partnership with a team of innovative teacher librarians. The following thought provoking pieces of advice in the video file titled ‘Building Academic Library 2.0’ created by Berkeley Academic Library U.S. related to me and encouraged me to reflect:

  1. Leave comments open on your blog. People write useful comments and replies on library blogs, these comments can help other library users to learn. Is your library ready to be “open” and share feedback from users. This is a good honest way to ask questions to library users and then leave their comments open for others to read. This allows users of the library to connect and shows students that the library “cares” and values their feedback.
  2. RSS feeds. Allow users to acquire content and information on their own terms by subscribing to RSS feeds on particular websites that contain information that users are interested in e.g. news websites, natural disasters websites, receiving others blog updates. Users subscribe to the RSS feed and then receive updated information by email or text. This could be particularly useful in a school library when new books are catalogued and ready for borrowing. Therefore library users will not have to visit the library website to look for information about new books, the information will come to them, they can read the content when they are ready, then immediately take action.
  3. Don’t focus just on technologies. Think about the technology have nots, that is the issues / items that don’t consist of the use of technology. Non-technological items can be useful and powerful learning tools too.
  4. Build a learning culture. A huge amount of money in school budgets is spent on teachers attending Professional Development courses / conferences and covering teachers when they are at these events. Valuable professional learning can take place in-house within a school, by teachers sharing ideas and successful teaching strategies with one another. If a learning culture is developed within a school this will result in staff developing programs and becoming more comfortable when using technology.
  5. Develop a risk-tolerant culture. Let users evaluate new technologies and make changes to their teaching programs. I have seen this developed successfully in schools when time has been specifically devoted for staff to critically evaluate new technologies, to play and experience and experiment with blogs, wikis etc… If teachers do not have time to work with these new tools, resentment towards new technologies takes place.

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